EPM Member Spotlight

EPM Community,

ODTUG’s 36k+ members are committed to honing their professional skills and sharing their knowledge with fellow Oracle users. From APEX to Database to EPM and Analytics, our communities provide unparalleled support and critical educational opportunities across the board. Our members are our mission and our pride. Our members are unique and we are pleased to help share their stories so you may get to know them better. 

Meet Oracle_ACE Program_Spade_Pro_rgb.pngGeordan Drummond, ODTUG's Member of the Quarter. read the interview below to learn more about Geordan's career and his impact on the EPM community

What is your job title and name of the organization that you work for?

Product Director, Financial Close and Reporting at Alithya

What project are you working on now? And how do you feel it will affect your organization or the EPM community?

I'm working on a project in conjunction with our Planning resources where we are leveraging Groovy to meet a number of requirements within Oracle FCC. This provides us with additional flexibility that we previously did not have, and which can be brought to bear on future projects. I'm looking forward to sharing some of these with the broader community in due time.

Share your most relevant trick of the trade.

Using Task Manager for automation - this has been a go to toolset for just about every implementation.

What career advice do you live by?

Don't sweat the small stuff and don't worry about peoples' opinions. Stay focused, work hard, and make sure you give credit where credit is due.

 What do you enjoy most about ODTUG the ODTUG EPM community?

I love seeing people from different perspectives come together to share their experiences, whether virtual or in person. Everyone is interested in advancing the platform forward and helping in any way that they can.