Member Spotlight- Women in EPM of the Quarter

EPM Community, Volunteers, Women In Technology (WIT),

Meet Belen Ortiz, ODTUG's EPM Woman of the Quarter. Read the interview below to learn more about her origins and what Belen does to leave her mark on EPM.

How did you get into a career in the EPM technology space?

I started my career in the IT security space back in Argentina, and after 6 years I was itching for a change. A couple of former coworkers that "were working with databases" (my very limited understanding of Hyperion at the time) asked me to come join them. This was almost 17 years ago. Forever grateful to my early supporters and mentors in the EPM space. Shout out to Bruno Gallo, Guillermo Watson, Hernan Daneri, Natalia Winograd and Santiago Belaus.

What advice do you have for other women who are considering a career in the EPM technology space?

The EPM field welcomes the curious and enthusiastic. Most of us are self-taught and many experts eagerly share their knowledge online in the form of blogs, YouTube videos, webinars, etc. The information is out there - no need to ask anyone for permission if you want to learn. All you have to do is dive in! Also, the EPM world is a small space and a common remark is that we all know each other. Cherish the relationships you create in this field, as you will likely run into the same people over and over.

What brought you to ODTUG?

I’ve worked with a number of organizations throughout my career and ODTUG has been one of the most welcoming and supportive groups I’ve encountered. The care ODTUG puts into organizing Kscope and helping the regional Oracle communities with local initiatives is exceptional.

What is your favorite ODTUG Kscope memory or most important takeaway from attending ODTUG Kscope?

Every year I attend Kscope I leave brimming with knowledge and so much excitement about all the new Oracle features and possibilities. In my opinion, Kscope truly is THE EPM training event of the year. Not to mention the incredible networking opportunities. If you have to choose one EPM event to go to, I would always pick Kscope.