EPM Community, Women In Technology (WIT),

A Note from Your Community Leads

Greetings from the EPM community! We hope you all are doing well. We are excited to have another opportunity to interact with our EPM community. We look forward to seeing you at ODTUG Kscope23 from June 25 to June 29, 2023, and we invite the entire EPM community to share your amazing work with others, learn from each other, and grow. Let’s be engaged and involved by offering informative webinars, providing opportunities for hosting and attending meetups, and discovering volunteer opportunities within the community.

We welcome your feedback on the newsletter, meetups, and webinars. We value you staying connected to us, and we hope this is just another means for you to keep in touch with the latest EPM community news. Feel free to reach out to us anytime with your comments and/or concerns. Thank you for being a part of our great community, and your continued support of ODTUG.

Member Spotlight

ODTUG’s 36k+ members are committed to honing their professional skills and sharing their knowledge with fellow Oracle users. From APEX to Database to EPM and Analytics, our communities provide unparalleled support and critical educational opportunities across the board. Our members are our mission and our pride. Our members are unique and we are pleased to help share their stories so you may get to know them better.


Geordan Drummond

Women in EPM of the Quarter

International Women’s Day is March 8, 2023. This year’s theme is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. As the world prepares to recognize and celebrate trailblazing women around the globe for their contributions to technology, we hope you’ll join us in celebrating our own Women in EPM. ODTUG’s Women in EPM generously share their time and talent with the ODTUG community to usher in the next generation of women technologists. Kscope’s annual WIT (Women in Technology) event continues to be a meaningful experience that shines a light on the challenges and success of female technologists. Please join us in thanking and celebrating our own Women in Technology.


Belen Ortiz

Featured Article 

Enterprise Journals in FCCS – A Centralized Place to Manage All Journals

Mohit Jain

Megha Chopra

Enterprise Journals provides a central place to streamline the creation, management, and posting of Journal entries so that you can have faster, more continuous financial close, planning, and reporting processes. This article will explain how Enterprise Journal module can be set up to streamline the process.

ODTUG Executive Officers Announcement 

Congratulations to the 2023 officers of the ODTUG Board of Directors!
Tim German, President

Jackie McIlroy, Vice President

Roel Hartman, Secretary

Jim Czuprynski, Treasurer
We are excited to set the course for the new year with this amazing group. We'd also like to give a warm welcome to Kurt Mayer as the EPM Community Board Liaison.

ODTUG Kscope23 Updates 

ODTUG Kscope23 Community Service Day Announcement sponsored by Applied OLAP

Join us the day before ODTUG Kscope23 officially kicks off for the annual ODTUG Kscope Kathleen McCasland Community Service Day. For ODTUG Kscope23, we have partnered with Mile High Behavioral Health Care (MHBHC) at the Aurora Day Resource Center.
Learn More 

ODTUG Kscope23 Special Event Announcement

Join us on Wednesday, June 28, for the annual ODTUG Kscope Special Event at the Downtown Aquarium - Denver, CO. Sponsored by Alithya and EPMI.
The theme for the special event is the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. Wear your favorite 1950's party attire and be ready to take in the sights and dance the night away!

Learn More


Fun Time – words are based on EPM technology. 

Words to find – SAAS, SQL, Member, Export, Load, PAAS, MaxL, Lock, IAAS, MDX, Cube, Essbase