Offline APEX for everyone with Plug-Ins and SQLite

Posted By: Brittany Butler APEX Community,

Presented by Peter Hartenfeller, United Codes (Oracle ACE Associate)

A few years ago, APEX was only usable on big screens.
Thanks to Universal Theme and optimized Components we
can now give mobile users a great experience. With the
introduction of PWAs in APEX, the next challenge is to let
users read and manipulate data on the go, even if there is no
internet connection. Out of the box, the APEX PWA feature
unfortunately only makes static content work properly offline.
Although there are solutions for offline data modifications
that can be synced later, they require heavy custom code
alterations, straying from APEX's low-code philosophy. In this
talk, showcase a low-code approach utilizing open-source
plugins, which need minimal configuration to enable offline
capabilities in any app. Additionally, I would like to discuss
design decisions like why I think an offline-first approach
makes sense and how the client stores the data. I will also go
into technical backgrounds like why SQLite is suitable for this
task, how to handle conflicting changes and how scalability is