ODTUG May News

2024 ODTUG Board of Directors elections...Is it that time already?

The short answer is - yes! Our new fiscal year starts in September, not January as in years past, so it’s almost time to begin the voting cycle.

Just a reminder that the nominations process will open in May, with member voting happening in June, for the new term of office that starts on September 1 (not January 1).

Start thinking of yourself or others to be nominated! We’ll post the official announcement shortly and confirm the schedule and the rules.
 If you haven't yet registered for Kscope24 - WHY NOT?  

 ODTUG Kscope is the premier educational conference for Oracle Technology users, whether you're new to the field or
 a seasoned pro. The best part of Kscope is the people, of course, but here are some other things you can expect:
  • 250+ technical sessions on Oracle & Oracle-related solutions, plus exclusive insight into AI and other key trends
  • Non-stop learning! Unique educational formats and hands-on labs
  • Multiple breaks and daily social events to meet and talk with industry experts and other participants
  • Robust content for every ODTUG community, including more APEX training than you'll find at any other conference in North America
  • Topics to help you refresh your foundation, learn something new, advance your current skills, and stay prepared for the future

 We'll see you in Nashville! Register today

 If you've already registered, don't forget to reserve your hotel room! The ODTUG room rate is available until we sell out
 - start here to secure your room reservation.

New Webinars this month: Join Us!

To V Or Not To V?
or...Using SQL Macros in APEX

Wednesday, May 8, 12:00 - 1PM EDT
Presented by:

Oracle-ACE-Director Alex Nuijten

The V function has been around APEX as long as...let's say very long and that's a long time. When calling V there would always be a price to pay. With recent releases of the database there is a new way to do something similar; SQL Macro. In this session, Alex will give you an overview of this new functionality and how you can use it in your APEX applications. Register now

Multitenant 12.1 to Multitenant 23c: Technical Deep Dive
Tuesday, May 21, 12 - 1PM EDT
Presented by:

Oracle-ACE-ProAnuj Mohan

Database 23c pluggable databases offer numerous options for the cloud. In this session, Anuj will discuss Multitenant for cloud and on-premises databases. Topics covered will include container database (CDB) and pluggable database (PDB) concepts, PDB value, shared and exclusive components, and accessing CDBs or PDBs. The session will briefly cover migration options to 23c from previous versions and then will delve into Oracle Database 12cR2 thru 23c features. Register now

Leveraging Oracle Spatial Studio to Create Custom Map Layers and to Augment Data for Oracle Analytics
Wednesday May 22, 12 - 1PM EDT
Presented by:

Oracle-ACE-ProWayne van Sluys

Most data has a dimension of location tied to it. Understanding where something occurred is quicker to discern using maps over any other data visualization.

Join us for this informative session to explore the use of Oracle Analytics map views and Oracle Spatial Studio. We will demonstrate new features added to both tools in the past year that help display location-based data. Register now