2025 ODTUG Board of Directors - Call For Nominations

Join the 2025 ODTUG Board of Directors!
Call for Nominations Ends Soon

Dear ODTUG Member, 
As you may know, the nomination period for ODTUG Board Members recently opened. New members will serve a three-year term, starting September 1, 2024.

Timelines are a bit different this year, so we wanted to make sure you are aware: the nomination deadline is Monday, May 27, 2024, at 2:59 a.m. (PDT-US).

The ODTUG Board of Directors enjoys the opportunity to guide the direction of ODTUG, as well as to have increased contact with Oracle Corporation’s upper management and other experts in the development community.

Board members must be paid members of ODTUG. You must be an Individual or Corporate Member by May 31, 2024 to vote in elections or to run for office. An Associate Member may upgrade their membership to be eligible for nomination and voting.

You may nominate any paid ODTUG member. Please note that your nomination is for an individual to serve on the board in a general capacity, not as an officer (officers will be elected later by the board members). 

Please read the summary of the responsibilities of board members and nomination guidelines found hereAgain, the nomination deadline is Monday, May 27, 2024, at 2:59 a.m. (PDT-US). Submit your nomination online.

If you have any questions, please email our Executive Director, Rob Bergeron, at rob@odtug.com


Roel Hartman, Secretary

Note: Your Individual or Corporate ODTUG membership must be paid and up to date no later than May 31, 2024, to be eligible to vote and run. Associate Members are not eligible for participation in ODTUG Board Nomination and Election activities.