Announcing the ODTUG Kscope24 Special Event!

Presenting: Our Kscope24 Special Event!

Nashville is a one-of-a-kind city, fitting for our one-of-a-kind Kscope24 conference. In that spirit, we've created a Special Evening Event like none you've seen before. 

Wednesday evening, July 17, ODTUG is hosting An Evening of Denim & Diamonds. Attendees can enjoy dinner, dancing, and a sunset river cruise on the General Jackson Showboat. While we're cruising, The Spazmatics (!!) will provide the entertainment and trust me - this is a show you do not want to miss. 

Transportation, refreshments, and everything else you can think of is provided. Just bring yourself...decked out in Denim and Diamonds, of course. I can't wait to unwind with our Kscope24 family!

Of course, if you haven't yet registered, now would be the time. :wink:

Scoot your boot over to the Kscope24 Registration Page, and register today for the lowest possible price. 

I look forward to seeing you in Nashville. Click here to respond directly to me if you have any questions.

KEO, Kscope24