Oracle Developer & Technology User Group
is an independent, not-for-profit, global organization whose sole purpose is to keep you on the cutting-edge of the constantly changing Oracle technology landscape. ODTUG’s annual Kscope conference is the premier educational conference for Oracle technology users. Be sure to check out all of our Kscope25 information—and we’ll see you in Grapevine, TX on June 15-19, 2025!

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Thank You To Our Partners

Annual Leadership Program
This seven-month program was piloted in 2013, and covers topics such as leadership styles, effective communication, mentoring, team building, goal setting, and accountability. Our graduates have become such assets to the Oracle Developer & Technology User Group community that we have fully dedicated ourselves to continuing this fantastic program.

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Volunteer with ODTUG
Oracle Developer & Technology User Group is a volunteer-driven organization and would cease to exist without community involvement. We have numerous opportunities available for volunteers including serving on ad-hoc committees centered around membership, marketing, online education, and much more.

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